I had a really REALLY bad day last Friday. It was one of a string of 'em. You know the feeling: you don't sleep well, don't feel like eating but when you do it's all junk food, you have to talk yourself into getting out of bed in the morning...only this time, it was the end of the day. I was drained emotionally and mentally. And I was about to begin a weekend as a single mother.
Groceries was first on my list that night. And I wore really high heels that day. But I got over it, got everything on my list and made it to daycare with minutes to spare. Oh, and I actually remembered to order the pizza I promised my kids on the way so we wouldn't have to wait. (three cheers!)
They ate while I unloaded groceries. Then I ate while the movie began. It was then that I realized just how un-dramatic my situation is. How ridiculous I had been earlier in the day stewing about things. I held a very special pity party for myself and now, when I took a minute to look around at my freshly cleaned home and my healthy (and full) kids, I realized that my priorities were all screwed up. I had let adulthood get the best of me. I let the beat-down get to me and affect my real life.
And I instantly changed my perspective. Gave my kids a hug, join them on the couch and thoroughly enjoyed their movie. It was the perfect start to a great weekend full of quality time with lots of laughs, play time and bonding.
And you know what, I actually looked forward to my Monday...
11 years ago